American actor, director, writer and producer Tyler Perry became best known for creating the immensely popular Madea character, a no-nonsense elderly African-American woman, who was played by Perry in a...Read More
“Jagun Jagun” is a compelling tale of power, betrayal, and the struggle for justice, brought to life through a riveting narrative and strong performances. Produced by Femi Adebayo, the film...Read More
Tyler Rake was clinically dead when we last saw him at the end of “Extraction” tumbling over a bridge in Bangladesh with a fatal, burbling bullet wound to his neck....Read More
After breaking a 62-year-old tradition by swapping the red carpet for a champagne-colored one, the show kicked off with Jimmy Kimmel hosting for the third time.Read More
Imagine a Disney movie without a lullaby, Star Wars without the theme music, Jaws without the thrilling sound effects, Grease without the catchy sing-a-long songs, a John Wayne film without the strum of a guitar, Pulp...Read More